“If you want me to grow up someday, let me huddle up once more in the middle of my dreams”, these soft souls seem to whisper, while they let themselves melt in familiar tales settings. Either gazing, or with their dreams fleeing, Magdalena Berny ’s models invite us to follow them in their travel to the edge of the world. No matter where we come from and where we’re heading for, there are stories that must be told in present tense, with buried certainties as only language. Thanks to her close relationship with her children and thanks to her very pictorial approach, the Polish photographer finally manages to reinvent the imaginary part that still lives inside us, and from time to time she shares out back this innocence part to those who didn’t dream anymore.
Magdalena Berny | Poland | The Developer #31 | en français
Magdalena Berny | Poland | The Developer #31 | en français

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