COMPETENCE PHOTO - Le magazine photo 100% pratique
Compétence Phot

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

by Gérald Vidamment, posted 04/02/2013

THE DEVELOPER #30. These are lovers of modern times. Time and place don’t matter to them. As long as their couple story keeps on being writed. They are here. Or there. But above all they are here below to love each other. Christophe Audebert’ series, soberly entitled “Here and there”, displays couples of all ages in urban places that don’t really seem aesthetic at first glance, but which are part and parcel of the environment of millions of people who live in big urban areas. The wind can blow, the rain can fall, and the night can come. Christophe Audebert’s couples accept their condition, once again as long as their story rhymes with harmony. They even melt in this so-called hostile setting, to bring back to it the souls of children running after each other. But most importantly they are happy without moving. They travel first class on-site the life that they decided to share together. With a variety of settings and compositions, Christophe Audebert manages to tell stories with each of his pictures, and he lets us think that the very story of his series is endless. This series will be exhibited first at the gallery Minyom Art, in Paris, from the 21st to the 27th March 2013.

Christophe Audebert | France | The Developer #30 | en français
© Christophe Audebert - All rights reserved
© Christophe Audebert - All rights reserved

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)

Here and there • Christophe Audebert (series)


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Compétence Photo est un magazine photo bimestriel 100% pratique destiné à tous les photographes amateurs, quel que soit leur niveau, du débutant à l'utilisateur avancé. Chaque numéro aborde une thématique en profondeur avec de nombreux exemples illustrés, propose des tutoriels, des fiches pratiques et même une rubrique Bricolage. Pour mieux appréhender la retouche logicielle et répondre aux besoins de tous les utilisateurs, Compétence Photo tire profit de la plupart des logiciels du marché : Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Gimp, Picasa, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom... De même, la rédaction s'efforce de prendre en compte les spécificités de chaque marque (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, Panasonic, Olympus, Leica, Polaroid, Kodak, Samsung).
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