What can possibly be the connection between such different notions as femininity, conflict and marks that nature reinvents every day? A hyphen called i[legacy], maybe. A need to bring two cultures closer to each other, that of the Orient and that of the Occident. The very cultures of Marie Hudelot, whose origins take root in France and Algeria. Through her hidden portraits, the photographer tries to rebuild her identity, fed with stories, sometimes forgotten, unconfessed or even silent, but very real. Objects thus take the shape of an obsession for the past, the better to understand the present and to build the future. Most of the faces are covered in order to draw the attention on the legacy symbolism that comes to life through this profusion of objects, sometimes colored and sometimes organic. But let’s make no mistake about it. The woman truly belongs here. A femininity that calls to mind, and questions. Astonishes. Arises. The series Legacy is more than a mere duty of remembrance. It’s a call for building the future on a past that can’t be erased.
Marie Hudelot | France | The Developer #38 | en français
Marie Hudelot | France | The Developer #38 | en français

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